Success case studies
Critical factors for technology transfer
A public research organisation must encourage technology and knowledge transfer among its researchers
A university wants to improve the capacities and skills of its researchers to transfer the results of their research activities to the market. It is necessary to raise awareness and train different profiles and different areas. It is necessary to raise awareness and train different profiles and different areas.
A set of specific seminars is designed to cover all the critical aspects of knowledge transfer to the market, from idea protection to licensing or spin-off creation.
The training is designed to encourage participation, resolve participants’ doubts, and improve the application for competitive grants to transfer knowledge to the market and carry out proofs of concept.
- Design of specific seminars depending on the profile of researchers to raise awareness and train in knowledge and technology transfer.
- It increased the capacities and motivation of researchers to transfer research results and apply for proof-of-concept grants.
“Training is designed to encourage participation […]., and improve the application for competitive grants.”
Success case studies in the sector Health / Biotech
success stories Training and mentoring